the 2023-24 cjnu board of directors

Scott Balneaves
Elected 2023

Julie Eccles - Vice Chair
Elected 2021, 2023
Marketing Committee Chair

Jim Feeny
Appointed 2022
Membership Committee Chair

Kim Jasper
Elected 2023
Human Resource Committee Chair

Lorne Kearns
Appointed 2020, Elected 2020, 2022

John MacLise
Elected 2021, 2023

Sheldon Mindell
Elected 2022
Fundraising Committee Co-Chair

Grant Patterson
Appointed 2020, Elected 2020, 2022
Programming Committee Chair

Lawrence Prout - Chair
Elected 2019, 2021, 2023
Nominating and Governance Committee Chair

Sonal Purohit
Appointed 2022
Fundraising Committee Co-Chair

Stephane Teffaine
Elected 2020, 2022
Technology Committee Chair

David Northcott
Elected 2023

Henry Shyka
Appointed 2021, Elected 2023
Finance Committee Chair

CJNU is owned and operated by Nostalgia Broadcasting Cooperative Inc. (Nostalgia); a non-share issuing, not-for-profit, community service cooperative - incorporated in Manitoba under the Manitoba Cooperatives Act. A summary of The Cooperatives Act is available for download in PDF format. The full version of The Cooperatives Act can be viewed on the Government of Manitoba website. We report annually to the provincial government via the Companies Office.

Membership in Nostalgia costs $25 per year for individuals, $40 per year for joint members, and $250 per year for corporations - and is open to all. For corporate membership, there can be only one person designated to vote at any official meeting of the members. All votes carry the same weight.

Nostalgia is governed by a Board of Directors, elected each year by the members of the co-op, at the Annual General Meeting.

The Board holds the ultimate fiduciary responsibility for Nostalgia, and it is the Board, as a collective, that holds the CRTC issued licence for Nostalgia to legally operate CJNU as a community radio station.

Hiring of management staff for the organization is the responsibility of the Board, as is organizational policy and direction. Management, with the oversight of the Board, may hire and oversee other staff roles.

Staff, or committees of the Board, oversee the volunteer team that undertakes many of the day-to-day operations of CJNU.

In short: volunteers report to staff or Board committees; staff and committees report to the Board as a whole; and the Board is accountable to the membership of the Cooperative.

Board Committees are always chaired by a member of the Board. 

The organization abides by its by-laws, which were last revised and approved by the membership in 2021. A copy of the by-laws is available here.

Any changes to by-laws must be presented to the membership for review no later than 21 days before the Annual General Meeting.

Minutes of Board and Committee meetings are available to members of Nostalgia upon request. Please contact the Board Chair or Secretary.

committees of the board


Chair - Henry Shyka

Adam Glynn (ex-officio)
Lorne Kearns (ex-officio)
David Northcott
Lawrence Prout (ex-officio)
Chris Stevens (ex-officio)

Fundraising and Promotions (Including Pledge Drive)

Co-Chair - Sheldon Mindell
Co-Chair - Sonal Purohit

Adam Glynn (ex-officio)
Lorne Kearns
Lawrence Prout (ex-officio)
Chris Stevens (ex-officio)

Human Resources

Chair - Kim Jasper

Susan Earl
Lorne Kearns
Henry Shyka

Marketing and Communications

Chair - Julie Eccles

Adam Glynn (ex-officio)
Kim Jasper
Lorne Kearns
John MacLise
Lawrence Prout (ex-officio)
Chris Stevens (ex-officio)


Chair - Jim Feeny

Sheila Down
Adam Glynn
Lorne Kearns 
Lawrence Prout (ex-officio)
Stephane Teffaine


Nominating and Governance

Chair - Lawrence Prout (pro-tem)

Susan Earl
Lorne Kearns 
Grant Patterson
John Perrin


Chair - Grant Patterson

Scott Best
Susan Earl (ex-officio)
Adam Glynn (ex-officio)
Susan Hamilton
Helen Harper
Lawrence Prout (ex-officio)
Jim Snell
Chris Stevens (ex-officio)
Stephane Teffaine



Chair - Stephane Teffaine

Scott Balneaves
Lance Burdett
Adam Glynn (ex-officio)
Mark Havens
Jean Loiselle
Lawrence Prout (ex-officio)
Charlie Salina
Rick Scherger